Thursday, June 01, 2006

Recent Conversation

Radio: Yeeee-Haaaww
B: Mom, when I grow up I want to be a cowboy.
M: Maybe you can be a cowboy for Halloween
B: Awesome! Do you know where to buy a cowboy suit?
M: I can order one off of the computer.
B: How?
M: I will pay the computer and it will mail us one. (Ok, that’s not exactly how it works, but I just didn’t want to get into all of that this morning)
B: Oh cool, that’s awesome.
B: (sounding doubtful) Are you sure mom?
M: Yes, I’m sure.
B: Yea! Awesome.

1 comment:

TheNormalMiddle said...

Sounds similar to my kids--"just go to the money machine mommy, they've always got money!" (atm)
Kids, gotta love em.