Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Enter To Win...

This weeks WFMW involves labels. Whenever I go to an expo or fair or some type (baby fair, home expo, craft fair…etc) I take a sheet of labels with me that have my name, address, phone, and email. Why? Because these type of venues always have several booths that have drawings and contests. I like entering these types of things, but I hate filling out the little forms every time, so I usually would just skip them. But now it’s easy, I just peel off a label and stick it on. I actually won something at the last one!!

For more great WFMW tips click on over to Rocks In My Dryer!!


Anonymous said...

This is by far the coolest tip I've read so far today!

Mom2fur said...

I really should remember to do this. I saw my aunt (who is now 85) do it and I thought it was the smartest idea!

Glass Half Full said...

I love this! Who wants to keep writing the same information especially when they kids are around? EXCELLENT IDEA!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Thanks.

Brad said...

Since I started using online bill pay services, my outgoing mail (with these labels) is quite minimal.

I get three sheets or more a year, and I save them... for something? This must be what I have been saving them for. Thank you for the terrific tip.