Washing my son’s hair at bath time has always been quite an event for us. He can play in the water outside all day and get it in his ears and face, but if it happens at bath time – let the screaming begin. One night during the hair washing battle, I wondered what we had done with the little hair washing visor I had purchased a few months back. I hadn’t seen it for months; I assume we trashed it because it was worthless. It was one of those visors that is made specifically for washing hair. It was very flimsy and it didn’t cover his ears. We had trouble keeping it on too. As I sat wondering what we had done with it, I thought of his Spiderman visor. So I went to get it and we’ve been using it ever since. It works perfectly. The wide band covers his ears and the cardboard visor is strong and withstands the water. I start by putting it around his neck and then bringing the front and sides up under his hair. I hang it on the shower nozzle when we are done so that it can dry. This definetly works for us. Now my husband and I don’t argue about who has to wash his hair.
We purchased this one at Wal-Mart in the Infants/Toddlers department.
Note: The strange brown mark on his neck is a batman tattoo.
For more WFMW tips, click on over to Rocks In My Dryer...
That's a good idea. My boys are always screaming when I wash their hair. Thanks!
I never would have thought of that. And I love the batman tatoo disclaimer!
Great idea- Spiderman would be a hit over here. Thanks for sharing!
How clever! We never had that particular grooming challenge, but if we had...Very cool!
What a GREAT idea!
That's a great idea, my son who is three throws a fit when it's time to wash his hair.
Great idea! My 2 year old screams for the "washcoff." This would be so much more stylish! Thanks. Love the tattoo!
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