Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This will turn your world updside down

I bake a lot. I am always sending a few pieces of cake or some cupcakes to work with my hubby. I’m also known for sending large portions of cake home with friends and family after gatherings. Instead of putting it on a plate with foil or saran wrap over it (sticks to the icing). I put it in a Ziploc or Rubbermaid disposable bowl. So you ask, what’s so cool about that? Well, I turn the bowl upside down. I put the cake on the lid and then put the bowl on top, kind of like a mini cake carrier. The deeper ones work better. It’s much easier to cut and serve this way, rather than having it down inside a bowl. You also don’t have to worry about getting your dishes back. For home, I have a large plastic storage bowl that I use when the leftover cake or pie is small enough to fit. I can then get the big bulky cake carrier out of my fridge or off of my cabinet. They will usually store 3 pieces of cake or 4 cupcakes. If you need something a little bigger than the disposables, you can usually find some plastic bowls with lids at a dollar store.
Your friends and family will be oh-so impressed at such an ingenius idea! Soon they will all have there own "upside down bowls". Mine all do anyway...


Sandra said...

Wow I never thought of that. I'm impressed LOL

Thanks so much, that is just an awesome idea, going to use this next time I send cake to work with my hubby :)

My tip is up on my site too :)

T!ff@ny said...

That is an awesome idea!!! I am going to have to go purchase some of those bowls so I can be "upside down" too!

Anonymous said...


Maria said...

now that IS a great idea!!

Anonymous said...

Great tip! Thanks a lot.

Kim from Hiraeth said...

What a simple thing--and how brilliant of you to see it!

Nettie said...

Very clever! Now I need to get some of those bowls...