Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sing me a song...

As Bobby and I listened from our room, we could hear Brayden singing this...

"We are people"
"We are animals"
"We got a new house" (which we didn't, not sure what that's all about)
"We got a new house"
"We got a new house"
"I got a big truck"
"I got a big pick me up truck"
"I got a big truck"
" I got a big - *paused while thinking* - nothin'"
"I got a big nothin"

Then he just hummed the rest of the time. We were cracking up. He's got such an incredibly creative imagination. You should hear some of the stories he makes up. It's also a lot of fun listening to him while he is in his room playing. He uses different voices and plays 2 or 3 characters all at one time. It so funny.

1 comment:

Katherine@Raising Five said...

That is so funny! I usually got a big nothin around 5:00 when five hungry faces appear in my kitchen! Now I'll just sing it to them!