Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yes, we are still alive and kickin'. A blog is just like Church, once you get out of the habit it's so hard to get back into it. Well, I'm committing right now to start making both a habit again. We haven't been to church in months and every Saturday we promise each other that the next day will be our Sunday to start back. The alarm goes off and we snuggle closer together and decide to wait until next Sunday. So that's been going on since umm, last summer maybe. Way too long. And well it's been 3 months since I've updated the blog and even longer (at least a year) since I've really updated everyone on what we've all been up to but I don't have time to write a novel, so here is the very quick and unorganized version.

Bobby opened his own Auto Detail business, closed it 4 months later and then reopened it last week. Business is good. I got a promotion at work in January and I'm now the account manager for Dorel. So when you see one of the many Dorel items on, you can think of me. I really love what I'm doing.

Brayden is doing great in school academically but is still struggling to sit still and be quiet. He had about 3 weeks in a row where I thought we were going to seriously have to start taping his mouth shut and gluing him to his chair. The last 2 weeks have been good though so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I guess if you ground a boy enough and eventually take away every privilege except eating, then he'll finally get a clue.

We got a dog... her name is "girl". That's the name she came with. She belonged to Bobby's younger brother. She is 3 or 4 yrs old. I thought the name was corny at first and wanted to change it... but I catch myself saying "come here girl" all the time, so I guess it's the perfect name. She is a great dog... already housebroken, does tricks, minds very well and loves Brayden. She is a beagle/terrier mix. I'll attach a picture soon.

Ok, that's the important stuff... now here is a list of just random things that I probably would have blogged about it if I was keeping up with this like I should have been. If you're interested in more details on any of them, just ask.

  • Bobby and I have both set up Myspace pages. I used to think it was for kids, but now that I've set up a page... I'm addicted. We are competing to see who can get the most Myspace friends... I'm ahead!!
  • We told Brayden the Easter Bunny wasn't real.
  • Our latest fun thing to do as a family is play Lego Star Wars 2 on the playstation, yes even me.
  • We got a free canoe...that had a hole in it. Bobby patched it...
  • Bobby and I went on a 3 day canoe/camping trip on the Buffalo River. We almost sunk the patched canoe.
  • We got a hamster and then we gave it away 6 months later.
  • Brayden's "girlfriend" moved to New Jersey, she moved back... now he says she moved again...oh the drama!
  • We contemplated moving to North Carolina so Bobby could go to Nascar school. We chickened out. Maybe some day though...
  • We decided to have a baby and then we decided to wait and then we decided to adopt and then we decided to wait and it's kind of gone on like that for 6 months and where are we now? Um, I think we are still waiting. It changes weekly.
  • We went to Mississippi for Thanksgiving and had the best Thanksgiving I think we've ever had.
  • I joined a gym and ate really good and lost about 15 lbs...then Thanksgiving in MS came and I threw it all out the window and have yet to jump back on the wagon. The 15 lbs however have jumped back on me. That's another one of those things that I'm going to start back on along with blogging and going to church.
  • I learned I have a heart murmur.
  • I had fender bender with an idiot that didn't have insurance.
  • Brayden caused the school to get put on lock down and the police were almost called (I know I've been promising to elaborate on this for months)
I am sure there are many other things but my brain is fried and this is all that comes to mind right now.

1 comment:

T!ff@ny said...

I am tagging you to go see my blog now...I am up and going now! Yeah!!

By the way...there are SEVERAL things you need to make sure to give us more details on!