Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How do they do it?

How does a child watch the same movie/show over and over again? I can understand twice maybe 3 times. Even I enjoy a movie the second time around because you always catch something you missed the first time, but 20+ times!! I would guess that Brayden has seen every movie in his collections atleast 10 times and then there are the few that he has seen at least 15-20. The worst were Elmo and Blue's Clues. When he was younger he would watch the same one day after day after day. I try to only allow 2 -3 movies a week (mostly on the weekends) and for the last 3 weeks he has watched the same movie everytime - "The Big Green". He watched it a once or twice last year and wasn't too thrilled with it. But he asked for it again recently and now it's the "best movie". I don't know if it's because he's older now and "gets it" a little more or what. It is a cute movie and it has some pretty funny parts, but come on - 8 times in the last 3 weeks!!
I picked him up early yesterday so we could spend the afternoon together so he missed his nap at daycare. He crashed on the way home around 3:30 and slept until 7:30. I tried several times to wake him up, but he was out. He had not slept well the night before because of the tornado, so I guess he was exhausted. Since I knew he wouldn't be going to sleep at his normal bedtime, I agreed to let him watch a movie. Guess what he picked? Yep - the goat movie (his name for The Big Green - there is a goat in it) He was so upset because I wouldn't watch it with him, but I just couldn't do it. If I had gone in there to watch it, I would have passed out and be asleep by 8:00. I told him I would watch any other movie, but that I could not watch the goat movie anymore. Rather than pick a new movie so that he could enjoy my company, he refused and watched the goat movie by himself. It is so funny to listen to him while he is watching it. He cracks up everytime he watches as if it were the first time. I wonder what would happen if the goat movie "accidently got lost" for a month or so?

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