Sunday, July 08, 2007

Oh the drama...

So Brayden came home from Adventure Club one day last week and informed me that his old girlfriend (Chloe) from waaayy back in preschool is going to AC too. Well, now they are boyfriend and girlfriend again... however there is a little hitch... he is sharing her with Logan, one of his buddies (also from the same preschool class as previous mentioned). So I asked him how that works and this is the exact answer I got...

Brayden: "I get it on Sunday's and Logan gets it on Saturday"

He then went on to explain the others days in which they get "it". So I asked "what do you get".. and he says "we get to be her boyfriend". It was so funny! I knew what he meant, but I had to ask anyway.

By the way, he came home Friday and told me that Logan had moved on and found a new girlfriend, so now Chloe is just his girlfriend.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Trip to Mississippi

Brayden, mom and myself just got back from a wonderful trip home to Mississippi. We had a great time!!!! I already miss everyone and can't wait to go back in November. We spent one day at Lake Tiak-O'Khata with Teresa and the gang. Brayden had a blast. Baylee stayed with us for most of the trip and what a blessing that was. They had so much fun playing together. Here are a few of my favorite pics from the trip...