Ok, so I know it's been quite a while since I've posted, but's it's not from a lack of material -it's from a lack of time. New Year's Resolution #6 - Update Blog weekly.... we'll see.
So, the last time I posted it was to let everyone know that Brayden had started the Big "K", ...Kindergarten. So, we're 4 months in and he's doing great...well intellectually he's doing great. His behavior the first few months was lacking, but he's finally started to get that under control. It's not that he's really misbehaving, he just won't quit talking...(imagine that, my kid likes to talk). Mom says that was always the number 1 complaint that my teachers had about me. His teacher says that it's very hard to get on to him because he's so funny and he's just trying to put his 2 cents in and participate. She encourages participation but not when it means he's talking more than her. I guess there could be worse things, he could be mean and hateful...instead he just has alot to say.
As far as his school work, he amazes me. His little brain has learned and absorbed so much in the past 4 months. His latest accomplishment is being able to count by 5's to 100. He can actually keep going but his attention span is gone by the time he gets that far. He can spell about 20 words and he is beginning to recognize words that he sees in his environment. I'm looking at his latest Interim report right now and he has a + (means mastered) by all but 1 of the 25 skills. The 1 not mastered reads "Locate 2 dimensional figures within 3 dimensional objects". I'm not sure I can do that :)
Ok, so I've talked about behavior and intellect...that leaves me with social skills. Any of you that know Brayden, knows that he is quite the social butterfly. He never meets a stranger and he will talk to anyone that gives him the time of day. He switches best friends as quickly as he switches his underwear. Everyday I hear about a new friend that he's made at recess. Not just Kindergarteners but 1st and 2nd graders too. We went to Wal-Mart last night and we saw 4 kids that he called by name and said hi to. It's like that everywhere we go. Brayden also switches "girlfriends" about once a week. He has talked about girlfriends since he was 3 years old. In preschool, he seemed to keep them for a lot longer, I guess that's because he only had a handful to choose from. Now that he's at a big school, he's sorting through them much more quickly. I asked him about a girl the other day and he explained to me that they had "breaked up". Where does he get this stuff??? I think he just says he has a girlfriend for the sake of having one, because when you ask him what he thinks about girls it's usually negative. I just called him in here and asked "what do you think about girls" he said " (with his thumbs down) they're yucky and they cram the food in their mouth when they eat at lunch". So even though he's always talking about his girlfriends, I don't think I have anything to worry about...yet!
So that's a recap of how school is going. I mentioned in my last post about an incident he caused at school that almost involved the police. I really will get to that...but right now motherhood is calling. Actually it's screaming... "mom can I go outside and play".